Beyond the Bell & Club B: Clubs, Activities, Sports & Field Trips in Tacoma, WA

Beyond the Bell & Club B

Logo: Beyond the BellLogo: Club B

Clubs, Activities, Sports & Field Trips

Beyond the Bell & Club B

Logo: Beyond the Bell
Logo: Club B

Clubs, Activities,
Sports & Field Trips

Tacoma Public Schools, Greentrike, Parks Tacoma and community partners have come together to provide Beyond the Bell and Club B, a comprehensive program providing after school activities at all of Tacoma’s elementary and middle schools, as well as offering educational fields trips when school is not in session.

About the Program

Whole Child Whole Community

Uniting around the development of the whole child, our local Tacoma municipalities along with private businesses, youth orientated-non-profits, health and social service providers, and cultural arts institutions— are supporting Tacoma Public Schools and collectively working together to ensure that all children have access, exposure, and opportunity for social and emotional learning during non-school hours.

“We no longer can afford to go it alone. We must come together—collaborate with one another—to create an eco-system of service providers that jointly take care of our kids. I am proud to be part of this community effort.”

— Carrie Prudente-Holden, President & CEO, Boys & Girls Club of South Puget Sound

About the Program

Beyond the Bell and Club B are after school programs focused on enrichment activities including sports, arts, academic supports rooted in Social Emotional Learning.

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What makes this program special? It's a collaborative of many out of school time providers such as the YMCA and Boys and Girls Club working together to make:

  • After school opportunities more accessible at school sites
  • Building on student familiarity of the student home school
  • Eliminating the need for transportation
  • Removing barriers to access

Tacoma Public Schools, Parks Tacoma, and Greentrike work together to ensure great programs and strategic use of public facilities to ensure safe, enriching environments with caring adults for elementary and middle school children.

Flexible Pricing

Our partners want to ensure that every student has access to free to low cost after school experiences. Student discounts on activities are available.

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Access to affordable after school care was the most identified service requested by Tacoma families. The actual cost per club/activity is roughly $320 per session. The free registration fee is made possible thanks to a host of public funding partners and in-kind support from Tacoma Public Schools, Parks Tacoma, City of Tacoma-Tacoma Creates, Pierce County, and private donations, philanthropy, corporate giving and grants in coordination with Greentrike and Tacoma Parks Foundation.

No Tacoma Public School Student will be denied access due to financial need.

Pricing for Beyond the Bell

  • TPS Student Discount:
    $96 per club/activity, per session
  • Qualify for Partial Financial Assistance:
    $48 per club/activity, per session
  • Qualify for Full Financial Assistance:
    $0 per club/activity, per session

Pricing for Club B

  • Club B is FREE for all middle school students!
Get the Full Story

Elementary School (K-5)

Logo: Beyond the Bell

Flexible Pricing for K-5

Tacoma Public Schools and community partners have come together to offer fun, meaningful after school activities at all of Tacoma's elementary schools.

Register on COMPASS (the TPS Family App), then go to your My School Bucks account to pay for the activities. If you need financial assistance, flexible pricing is available during the registration process.

Beyond the Bell partners want to ensure that every student has access to affordable after school experiences:

  • $96 per activity
  • Qualify for Partial Financial Assistance: $48 per activity
  • Qualify for Full Financial Assistance: $0 per activity
Download Beyond the Bell Flyer

Middle School (6-8)

Logo: Club B

Free activities for Grades 6-8

Club B is an after school program focused on enrichment activities including sports, arts, academic supports rooted in Social Emotional Learning at all of Tacoma's middle schools.

Activities take place at all of Tacoma's middle schools from 2:45-5 pm, Monday-Thursday

Club B activities are free thanks to a host of community funding partners, including Tacoma Creates, City of Tacoma, Pierce County, Greentrike, Parks Tacoma, Tacoma Public Schools and private philanthropy.

Register on COMPASS (the TPS Family App), and visit the activities page to see program options at your student's school and sign up.

Download Club B Flyer

Participation + Registration

Going Beyond the School Day

Through programs like Beyond the Bell and Club B, kids in our elementary and middle schools have access to fun, meaningful after school activities.

What activities are available at my school?

Visit Parks Tacoma's website and find descriptions and schedules for all activities offered at your school.

View Program Schedules

How can I register?

For Club B, log into COMPASS (the TPS Family App) and visit the activities page to see what options are available at your student's school.

For Beyond the Bell, register on COMPASS (the TPS Family App), then go to your My School Bucks account to pay for the activities. If you need financial assistance, flexible pricing is available during the registration process.

Login to COMPASS to Register

FAQ – Frequently Asked Questions

Still have questions? Visit the TPS website to view answers to general questions as well as specific questions about Beyond the Bell and Club B.

Read the FAQ

Become an Instructor

Changing Children's Lives through Caring

All students need caring adults in their lives and meaningful relationships to help them thrive. As such, club instructors play a crucial role in the development of the Whole Child.

For Instructors

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Parks Tacoma is looking for individuals willing to be part of this movement by sharing their talent and craft - visual artists, musicians, athletes, engineers, cooks, DJs, dancers, environmentalists, journalists, knitters, teachers, etc. We offer great pay, a parks and recreation familiarization pass and a fun/collaborative work culture.

For Work study/Internships

Learn More ▼

Engaging high school students through a paid work-study program supports our future workforce. This program offers school credit and provides a supportive work environment, all while giving back to the community.

Program Partners + Collaborators

We invite partners to join us in the afterschool space. By utilizing existing grants, voter approved initiatives, and private donations we have resources for impactful program provision that address the unique needs of our school community.

We are redeveloping a more fair and just system to better serve our students and their families closer to their home. Let’s join forces and make a lasting difference in the lives of Tacoma’s youth.

Logo: Greentrike
Become a Provider

Invest in Our Youth

For our Generous Foundation, Corporate, and Individual Donors

In the 2023-24 school year, we offered 1,594 clubs—your contribution strengthens the quality of these after-school opportunities that families have access to.

Foundation cultivates a community invested in providing parks and recreation access for all. Parks Tacoma services are the foundation of a healthy community, and it is our honor to be their foundation partner. Thank you for supporting this important work.

Logo: Tacoma Parks Foundation
Invest in our Youth

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